Thesis Opportunities on Dating Violence

Are you interested in exploring different aspects of dating violence, delving into the underlying phenomena, or perhaps developing service methodologies? If these topics resonate with you, consider reaching out to discuss the possibility of writing your thesis in collaboration with the Dating Without Violence project.

Our website features a list of potential thesis topics, but you are also welcome to propose your own perspective on the subject. The theme of dating violence is particularly suitable for students in fields such as psychology, social sciences, political science, education, social work, or community education. While the primary responsibility for supervising theses lies with the educational institutions, we offer support and guidance to thesis writers as agreed. Additionally, students can leverage our experts and communication channels. The details of collaboration will be arranged individually with the thesis writer.

We hope to share completed theses through our communication channels and encourage authors to present their findings, for example, in the blog section of our website. We would also appreciate it if thesis writers could present their results to our staff and other professionals.

To prevent dating violence, young people and professionals must learn to identify the phenomenon more effectively. This requires providing both groups with information on support services, dating skills, addressing violence, and engaging in meaningful conversations about it. The emphasis of the materials varies by age group.

  • For 13–15-year-olds, the focus is primarily preventive, emphasizing dating, emotional, and interpersonal skills.
  • For 16–29-year-olds, the materials address the characteristics of healthy relationships, different manifestations of dating violence, information on professional support services for youth and adults, and guidance on accessing these services.

By contributing to this important work, you can help increase understanding and support the prevention of dating violence.

Poika ja tyttö istuvat kaatuneen puunrungon päällä vierekkäin. Pojan käsi on tytön polvella. Kuvassa ei näy kasvoja.

More information:

Hankkeessa työskentelevällä Jukalla on vaaleat, lyhyet hiukset, parta ja musta paita.

Jukka Lampinen

Violence worker, project coordinator
p. 050 384 8671